你觉得选专业很难吗? 也许你对多个科目都感兴趣? 也许你想继续练习音乐或艺术, 但我也想学习历史或英语? 文科专业可能是你理想的学位.
Futurist and philosopher Alvin Toffler once wrote: "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." One of the great strengths of this major is the opportunity to explore ideas across the humanities, arts, natural and social sciences, 以及学习如何批判性思考的能力, analytically, problem solve, and communicate well. In a free society, this is needed now more than ever and is a pathway to the type of literacy required in the 21st century.
This major is rooted in the Ancient Greek tradition of the liberal arts (skills of free citizens), and includes the humanities (art, literature, linguistics), social sciences (history, law), natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics), and formal sciences (mathematics, logic, statistics). 学生们学习人类思想和创造力的精华,跨越时间和文化. In addition, 这个专业鼓励你以一种独特的方式结合不同的学科, 请你们把你们的教育看作是一个相互交织的过程, rather than a compartmentalized, experience.
As a liberal arts major at Concordia, you will find that our dedicated faculty members are committed to providing an environment where you can pursue your interests as well as the skills necessary to become wise, honorable, 以及有教养的公民——无论你的事业走向何方.